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Beiträge von Standardadmin

blogpost cloudoutage
Surviving a Cloud Outage: Kubernetes, Longhorn, and Database Lessons

Discover essential lessons for navigating cloud outages with insights into Kubernetes, Longhorn, and effective database strategies in this comprehensive guide.

Beitrag von Standardadmin

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AxonIQ Conference 2023 - a recap

Axoniq Conference 2023 - find our recap as attendees and partner of this year's conference, as we delved into the highlights and share valuable insights. For you we uncovered essential takeaways, absorbed wisdom from expert speakers, and identified emerging trends in event-driven architecture. Our experience allowed us to stay abreast of the most recent advancements in the realm of software development and event-driven systems. Embark with us on a journey through this recap into the future of technology.

Beitrag von Standardadmin

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Content August 1 v2
Cypress Parallelization with GitLab CI - for higher quality applications

As projects grow in complexity, so does the need for efficient testing processes. Running tests sequentially can lead to prolonged feedback cycles and slower development cycles. This is where Cypress parallelization combined with GitLab CI comes to the rescue. Find out why this will push the quality of your applications.

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Content August 3
Jest Parallelization with GitLab CI: Supercharge your Test Suite

In this article we explore how to leverage jest parallelization combined with gitLab CI to speed up your test suite execution and streamline your continuous integration pipeline.

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WeAreDevelopers World Congress - A Review

This year we attended the "WeArDevelopers World Congress" in Berlin: 6 developers of open200 including me ! Read in this article about my experience and learnings about one of the world's biggest developer event, and if I think it is worth it.

Beitrag von Standardadmin

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Immutable Images in the Angular World

Deploying an angular app is as easy as copying the dist folder to a web server isn't it? Well as always in software development the answer is it depends. When building your app for different environments and relying on images packaging your static web app with a web server, you quickly find yourself building a separate image for each environment you want to deploy your app to.

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Building Resilience: Widerstandsfähigkeit in der IT Strategie verankern

Resilience - also Widerstandsfähigkeit - ist eine der wichtigsten Eigenschaften erfolgreicher Unternehmen. Zwei Eckpfeiler die dabei helfen können: *Sich frei machen von externen Abhängigkeiten *Schnelle Reaktion auf unerwartete externe Ereignisse. Welche Strategien bei Unvorhergesehenem helfen, möchte ich Euch anhand der folgenden aktuellen Geschichte aus der Open Source Welt zeigen.

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